Monday, October 24, 2011

Warcraft GV turns 1 year old this 2012

Warcraft III: Garage and Vault To All Warcraft Friends. Sorry if i'm not that active in our forums, because my computer is fully infected by different unknown viruses and Some of the Warcraft Files corrupted by a Noob Anti-Virus. Once i click any of those EXE Format files...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

So Fast!

So here's my special blog entry because today is my birthday... Just saying "Thanks a lot" for those who support my builds, blog, etc. So here's my DC 2012 Inspired Banner, (Just click the banner on the right side of my blog for more details about the upcoming 2012 MAC Contest)...

Gundam Age Episode 1 - Saviour Gundam

Gundam Age Episode 1 - Saviour GundamAG 115: Orphaned by the Unknown Enemy assault on his home colony Orvan, Flit is raised on the Federation military's Arinston Base on Nora. Believing that the day will come when humanity can turn the tide against the UE, he uses plans found in the AGE Device left to him by his mother to develop mankind's savior--the...