Saturday, December 31, 2011

Gundam AGE Mechanics 1

Gundam AGE Mechas are up!  Get the scans here for reference!  Just click on the picture for higher resolution. Enjoy! ...

Monday, December 26, 2011

Gunpla Builders World Cup 2011 Finalist and Winners

Gunpla Builders World Cup 2011 Finalist Due to the Decastating flooding this year, Too bad Thailand did not pariticipate as planned,So here the finalist of this Year's GBWC!Congratulations to all the participants and have a blessed christmas! Photos taken from Club-Gunpla...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gunpla Builders World Cup 2011 Full Update

Gunpla Builders World Cup 2011 Full Update So, here are the final results of the GBWC 2011: Congratulations to all the winners and to all the 1st placers who will go to HK this December. have a nice trip!  Some of modelers are not included here since i still don't...

Gunpla References 2

Gunpla References 2 So here's my 2nd post about Gunpla References.  This time is all about transformable Gundams from Gundam Wing.   Tallgeese Design. This time its Gundam Animals! The O Designs. D Dom Designs....