Tuesday, August 25, 2015

COMPLETED FIGURE: Hulk (1st Appearance)

COMPLETED FIGURE: Hulk (1st Appearance)

Long time No post! 

Here's my quick repaint of the Marvel legends, First appearance Hulk!

It is my first time to paint a articulated figure and I'm enjoying it, except the paint chipping after moving the painted joints! 

Actually I made a big mistake by priming it after sanding and cleaning the figure and afterwards, painting it directly all the way to the finish line but, forget about it!! Its already finished!

I'm open for all your comments and feel free to share your ideas below this post!

Paints that I've used: 

1. Bosny Primer Gray (Just make sure to let it stay in sunlight or put it on a warm water so that the result will be more thinner than the direct spray after clogging)

2. Vallejo Model Air 
 - Gory Red
 - Pale Green
 - White (For the Light shading)

3. Vallejo Model Color 
 - Oxford Blue (For the Purple Paints)
 - Dark seegreen or German Grey (Black Parts such as the Hair, Eyebrows, Red Hulk's Pants, Panel Lines, Dark shading)
 - Matt Varnish (For Matt Topcoat)

4. Pledge Wipe and Shine (For Gloss Topcoat)


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